The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83601   Message #1539821
Posted By: Bobert
10-Aug-05 - 11:17 PM
Thread Name: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
Subject: RE: BS: ~{@}-{@}~
Well, well, well...

Hey, this ain't no more stupid a lot of the crap that goes 'round here in Mudville...

Sorry if anyone feels cheated 'er feels like this is some kinda pervert weedin' out game 'cause it ain't that at all...

Yeah, sure, Cluin has come up witha couple real good guesses and that's part of the fun of it but this ain't 'bout the best guess bou the correct guess...

Reckon Iz kinda simple feller that jus' occasionally tries to bring somethin' a little different to the Catbox but Iz also an honest ol' hillbilly in that, hey, if I think is a camel gol dangit, don't matter if it's more like Dolly Parton, Iz gonna say, "Hey, good answer" but its a danged camel...

OKay? I mean, it ain't like some highly competitive thing here... It's jus another dumb BObert post....

New one tomorrow....