The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83654   Message #1539879
Posted By: open mike
11-Aug-05 - 01:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: are mushrooms rubbish?
Subject: RE: BS: are mushrooms rubbish?
some of them you can soak in water..
the ones that are dried..i have some
dried shitake that you do that with.

i have seen some mushroom growing
"kits" sold at farmer's mkt.
a bundle of hay or straw imbedded
with spores..'

i love mushrooms and am glad to
find that some others do not
think they are rubbish..

then there is that wierd
mushroom-y thingy that
grows in tea that used
to be all the rage to
give to all yoiur friends..
now i think they make commercial
drinks with it in..
i forget what it was called
it would form a scum-like
cap on a bottle of tea
and it was supposed to
be energizing, healing,
some sort of fountain
of youth type thing-=y

how about truffles?
i went to a mycological
association gathering
at golden gate park once
wnd there were terrariums
with mushrooms growing,
some truffles that they
would sell you a cube of butter that
was sitting in a jar with the truffles'
the butte r would absorb the flavor.

there was also some wonderful chocolate
colored paper made from mushrooms
coffee colored paper too.

my ex use3d to draw pictures on fresh
shelf fungus from trees and when they
dried the picture would be permanent.

then there's those magic ones...