The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82882   Message #1540581
Posted By: rich-joy
11-Aug-05 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: is our Community losing to Corporation?
Subject: RE: BS: is our Community loosing to Corporation?
2005 - or 1984?
Obi Obi Development Site - First Slab Pouring Day, Wednesday, August 10th :   
It has been estimated that there were close on 100 police, once again from as far away as Bundaberg. Police escorted the concrete trucks from Conondale (30km away) and cordoned off the roads, the site - and the Pub, all to protect construction of an unwanted, unwarranted Woolworths ("the UN-Australian") corporation supermarket.

Trouble is, there were only 3 onlookers (and 1 pooch)!!!

Maleny people can be forgiven for now seriously considering that this whole (ongoing) debacle is being treated as a Terrorist/CrowdControl Training Exercise for the Police ...

Add to that the recent technical difficulties being experienced by many locals with regard to their phones and internet sites : rumours abound of either The Feds phone-tapping - or at least Woolworths Corporate Industrial Espionage - after all, ANYthing's possible nowadays, regardless of whether you're into Conspiracy Theories or not ...

A local chap who flew his helicopter over the site, with a photographer on board - keeping completely within the known, established laws, mind you - has literally been interrogated by senior police officials and also had complete lies about him and his activities (and his employment details) spread across the Sunshine Coast newspapers.

Anyone attending the weekly, weekend Community Rallies (held in Cooke Park and processing peacefully and lawfully down our main street to Tesch Park, opposite the Woolworthless site) gets their presence filmed and photographed by Police - so our visages are all on "police files" now!!!
In fact, anyone coming close to the site at other times is also photographed (this is our MAIN thoroughfare remember!!!) and it has been proven that they are using long-range listening devices , both at the site AND around the town!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This whole affair started with the People of Maleny innocently assuming that they had a right to voice their opinions, even when different to Govt or Big Business. The longer that all this continues, the more evidence is being amassed to the contrary ...

BUT! remember, it's not only Maleny and its people at stake here - remember the original "Big Brother"*** ...
(and what about last week's penultimate episode of "Dr Who"??!!) :

So, Stay Alert! (yes, I know, the world needs more Lerts!)

"Coming Soon, to a town near You!"

Cheers! R-J

PS    and they still haven't returned our confiscated Community Platypus character suit!!!!

visit the site (new data all the time, and currently being revamped - also news of other Community's struggles around Oz - and the World) :
