The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749 Message #1541469
Posted By: Janie
12-Aug-05 - 11:05 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: Lyr Req: Little Sally Walker Other versions
I am trying to reconstruct a version og "Little Sally Walker" a friend in high school, (30+ yrs) used to sing. She probably learned it from some female folksinger's album. What I remember is somewhat different from all the versions in the DT, sources from googling some of the lyrics, or versions mentioned in several threads on related topics. I'm hoping some one (Azizi, maybe?) might be familiar with this version, know more verses, and know who may have performed it.
Here is what I have. It is a very simple, bluesy melody, with a simple, sultry guitar part.
Little Sally Walker, sittin' in a saucer Tryin' to get the Old Man to come back home.
chorus (refrain?)
Gotta ride, Sally, ride with your head up high. Put your hands on your hips. Let your backbone slip. Shake it to the E-ast. Shake it to the W-est. Shake it to the one that you love best. I ain't never, no never been satisfied....satisfied.
Hey Mr. Rabbit, you got a mighty habit Runnin down the path now where (while?)I can't see.