The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749 Message #1542263
Posted By: Azizi
15-Aug-05 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Here is another comment and example from Courlander [p. 152; "Negro Folk Music, USA"]:
"Another ring game {Example 19} with the same response "satisfied" deals with another subject, but like the previous song {Example 18} the social complaint has a theme somewhat beyond the experience of participating children. Beginning with the line "See see rider" {a phrase appearing in a number of blues songs, sometimes written as C.C. Rider}, there is a kind of generalized blues statement of discontent, followed by specific criticism:
SEE SEE RIDER {SATISFIED] See see rider, satisfied! What's the matter? satisfied! I got to work, satisfied! I am tired, satisfied! And I can't eat, satisfied! Satisfied Lord, satisfied!
After other lines of nonsense variety, the song admonishes the older generation, seemingly for its double standards:
Mamma Mamma, satisfied! Leave me alone. satisfied! When you were young, satisfied! were you in the wrong? satisfied! Papa Papa, satisfied! You the same. satisfied! You the one, satisfied! Give Mamma's name, satisfied! "
This example and the preceding one are included with lyrical transcriptions in Harold Courlander's chapter on Ring Games and Play Party Songs.