The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16514   Message #154246
Posted By: Rick Fielding
26-Dec-99 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: 'Fiddler in the Basement'
Subject: 'Fiddler in the Basement'
Well we had quite a Christmas. A fine group of old and new friends. Ate lots of food, Drank lots of homemade beer and mulled wine. Jeri even brought some serious Scotch from New Hampshire that everyone else except yours truly ooohed and awwwwed about. (I wouldn't know scotch from Dago Red)

We played some "Dickens Trivia", did something called secret Santa, and had a good old fashioned Jam session. Mose and Tony and I have been playing for years and make our livings at it. Marcie and Banjo Bonnie are real new at this kind of thing but really got into the spirit, and Jeri made lovely sounds on her fiddle. The sweetie brought up an extra one for me since I gave mine away in frustration 5 years ago. The music was wonderful! I even managed to talk a few people into playing table hockey (one of my passions) but sad to say they were seriously overmatched! (bring on the Rooskies, I'm ready for 'em!)

After all the guests had left Jeri, and I played fiddle tunes and Duckboots rested her very tired tootsies, and tried to salvage what was left of the expensive scotch. As I write this, I can hear Jeri still down in the music room faintly playing plaintive airs, and it makes me feel very lucky this Christmas.

I'd love to know what music my Mudcat friends played this holiday night. And to wish us all the best of luck in our lives this coming year. Hopefully next year a couple more "long distance" guests will be able to join our little "Toronto Family".

P.S. Note for McKnees: The oven WORKED this time!