The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83734   Message #1542684
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
15-Aug-05 - 08:35 PM
Thread Name: Is it the instrument or the musician ?
Subject: RE: Is it the instrument or the musician ?
I'd have to agree with everyone... I've heard the most magnificent music reduced to caterwauling by an inferior 'musician' on an inferior instrument... but I've heard the same instrument sing like an angel under the ministrations of a better musician. The reverse is also true in every case.

I've heard a Steinway Grand sound like a pub piano under the hands of a person who claimed to be a pianist. Turns out he was a keyboard player and didn't know how to drive the real thing... it was the difference between a typist and a word processor operator - one uses all the fingers and types at a rapid pace, accurately, correcting as they go, whereas the other uses less than 4 fingers, pecks at the keyboard and leaves corrections to the end, or just doesn't bother. This person was a musical snob. He looked at a newly tuned Steinway Grand and said 'I can't play that.' He was right, but not for the reasons he thought.