The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83747   Message #1542888
Posted By: GUEST,Dave'sWife
16-Aug-05 - 03:35 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Who does this country song??? 'Gone'
Subject: Lyr Add: GONE (Ferlin Husky)
Subject: RE: Origins: Who does this country song??? 'Gone'
From: GUEST,theoldmole
Date: 15 Aug 05 - 10:39 PM

The great "Gone" is by Ferlin Husky

Now THAT.. is perhaps one of the finest songs of forlorn lost love ever recorded. He sings it with such pain in his voice. Ahh.. Ferlin Husky. One of my faves. Any Mudcatters in southern California long to sing duets of songs like that with me? PM me. I have nobody to play music with. The locals I know all Filk instead of Folk.

Ferlin Husky

Since you've gone
the moon,
the sun,
the stars in the sky
know the reason why I cry
Love divine
once was mine;
now you've gone.

Since you've gone
my heart,
my lips,
my tear-dimmed eyes,
a lonely soul within me cries.
I acted smart,
broke your heart;
now you've gone.

Oh, what I'd give for the lifetime I've wasted.
The love that I've tasted.
I was wrong;
now you've gone

instrumental break

Oh, what I'd give for the lifetime I've wasted.
The love that I've tasted.
I was wrong;
now you've gone