The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83845   Message #1543388
Posted By: Ebbie
16-Aug-05 - 04:11 PM
Thread Name: BS: August 16- Date of Significance
Subject: BS: August 16- Date of Significance
August 16, 2005-

Today my brother who died in 1999 would have been 68 years old. Not a day goes by but that I miss him. I miss the ability to call him and ask him what the words are in a certain section of a certain song; he had a phenomenally retentive memory. I miss singing with him. I miss being in the presence of his exuberant love of life.   He loved music. He loved performing. In fact, at our first folk club concert week before last when I was asked to sing with a friend in his last number I went into such a tizzy as the moment neared that I had to go into meditation to calm myself. Into the scene came my brother, guitar in hand and a look of anticipation on his face. As he strode to our new stage I realized that if he could be so eager to perform, I certainly could do one little song and survive. My shaking stopped and I'm sure my blood pressure came down. I did the number without a hint of the nerves I had been feeling.

Today in 1977 Elvis Presley died. This was the man who was responsible for my abandoning my country music upbringing and finding a whole new kind of music. From him I went on to Sam Cooke, Carl Perkins, Ray Charles and on and on. I never saw Presley live. I loved his music and his voice and I bought all his records but the thought of being in a crowd of screaming fans kept me away. For me, Elvis Presley was an important milestone in my entertainment life.

I went looking for other significant events related to this day.

Today in 1958 Madonna was born. Yesterday at a hair salon I saw a repeat of The View where Madonna was a guest. She was articulate and vulnerable and showed a side of herself I would not have guessed.

Today in 1896 the first gold was discovered in the region that became the site of the Klondike Gold Rush
Today in 1923 Carnegie Steel Corporation instituted the 8-hour workday for its workers.
1930 - The first British Empire Games were held at Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. The event is now called the British Commonwealth Games.
1960 –"A world record for a successful free fall was set by Colonel Joseph W. Kittinger Jr. What Kittinger did was quite amazing. He dropped from an altitude of 102,800 feet, more than 19 miles, before opening his parachute -- at 17,500 feet -- over New Mexico." Huh?
1987 – "Thousands of people prayed and meditated for universal peace, as the much publicized Harmonic Convergence, the exact alignment of planets in the solar system, happened. Ancient prophecies were to come true, along with some alien visits." Huh?
Today, in 1930 and 1958 respectively, Frank Gifford and his wife Kathy Lee Gifford were born.

OK, enough of that. Any of you find this date of significance?