The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83752   Message #1543608
Posted By: GUEST,The Ghost of Stonewall
16-Aug-05 - 09:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: Seen any crappy movies lately?
Subject: RE: BS: Seen any crappy movies lately?
We could and did speak in a way that would no doubt leave people of your modern age confounded and stupefied, given the fact that you have reputedly lost the ability to concentrate on an idea of any depth for more than a second or two. I understand that this modern deterioration in mental focus is mostly due to those noisy flickering boxes that you all sit around in front of in the evening. In my day we sat in front of fires, whether at home or in the field, some smoked, and we talked about the events of the day, and some read the Bible. I was much given to reading sacred scripture in the quiet hours. My wife and I would spend such quiet evenings reading the classics, the Holy Bible, and composing letters to loved ones in distant places. We would wait for weeks to receive a reply, and read every word with rapt attention when it arrived. This builds a good attention span in a human being.

When I hear about what has happened since in the country of my birth, I wonder what in God's name I was fighting for.