The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83860   Message #1543753
Posted By: John MacKenzie
17-Aug-05 - 06:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: What did we fight for?
Subject: RE: BS: What did we fight for?
Touching story, and I feel that Tony Blair has committed the same sin of sycophancy on behalf of my country.
All war is unnecessary and stupid, and while some can be justified in the name of fighting tyranny, others will always be pointless. The convolutions of the present capitalist cadre in trying to find justification for the present fiasco in Iraq is sad. What they are looking for is an excuse to equal the one used in the first gulf war for not chasing Saddam all the way back to Baghdad. That war was to fight an aggressor whereas in this on we are the aggressors, and our reasons are as wrong as Saddam's for invading Kuwait.