The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1543911
Posted By: The Shambles
17-Aug-05 - 09:52 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
It's just seeimg people accused for obeying Max's rules that is annoying me.

Accused of what exactly? Perhaps anonymous folk may expect to be accused of something - even if it is only wishing to remain anonymous?

The facts are here. Some anonymous volunteer decided to impose their personal judgement upon my thread title in isolation - when there were many titles that could also have been subject to imposition. This was imposed without my knowledge or permission. Despite the fact the addition of 'UK' made the thread misleading (as the legisltion it concerned was not applicable to the UK) and as the changed title was still credited to me as originator - it opened me up to charges of not knowing my subject.

I requested in this thread that originators are always contacted before any imposed changes are made on thread titles. For this - I am subjected to abusive name-calling and offensive language and the imposed editing action is not only defended - the title of this thread is subject to imposition........

Jon - This treatment does tend to annoy me but I do not resort to the abusive name-calling and offensive language that is encouraged in this thread. And if I did - I could be pretty sure that any such contributions of mine - would be subject to imposition and deleted. I just try to ensure that the facts are known so that posters can make up their own minds - from these facts.

Jon - does seeing this treatment on our forum not annoy you also? Or do you also seem to think that I deserve this special treatment. Or are you saying that by imposing this special treatment upon selected easy targets - that our volunteers are just following Max's rules?