The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83749   Message #1544263
Posted By: Azizi
17-Aug-05 - 03:48 PM
Thread Name: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
Subject: RE: Origins: Little Sally Walker Other versions
As I indicated upthread [in my post of 13 Aug 05 - 03:19 AM]
in 1999 I observed African American elementary school aged girls in one area of Pittsburgh playing an updated version of Little Sally Walker, and in 2005 I observed elementary school African American girls who performing basically the same game in the same way in a widely separated area of Pittsburgh {"over the river and through the woods" LOL!!-if you know Pittsburgh, you'll get what I'm saying}

The tune for this song is similar to "Ring Around The Rosie", or "Jack Be Nimble Jack Be Quick" [Are those two the same tune??]

See this 01 Mar 04 post from LNL from the Mudcat thread Children's Street Songs

"I was a counselor at a camp about three years ago, and the campers (good-natured high school students) played a surprising amount of games during break time. Not surprisingly, they weren't all innocent little rhymes. For example, Little Sally Walker has been reincarnated! She's now a circle game, with the chant:

"Little Sally Walker,/walking down the street.
She didn't know what to do, so/she jumped in front of me and said:
'Hey, girl, shake that thing,/shake that thing like it ain't no thing.
Come on, girl, shake that thing,/shake that thing like it ain't no thing."


I hope that I haven't done anything against the rules by re-posting this. I've attempted to PM LNL to ask her {him?} for additional information about this rhyme and permission to use it a book on rhymes that I am writing.

If LNL is reading this, please PM me, thanks!
