The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1544388
Posted By: The Shambles
17-Aug-05 - 07:13 PM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Are the requests still considered civil if they've been asked and answered 437 times ? 438 ? 439 ? 440 ? 441 ? 442 ? 443 ? 444 ? 445 ?

I would suggest that as long as it remains civil (in the face of much provocation) - no matter how many times a civil request is made - it remains civil. If a civil request is to be answered - it probably always deserves to be answered civilly.

If a civil request is not treated civilly and the problem not addressed and an agreed solution found - you could perhaps expect the request to be made again. There is always the option for those who may find it irritating to ignore the thread it is contained in - rather than keep refreshing the thread.

It would perhaps always be best for our volunteer fellow posters to treat all posters civilly (perhaps even those who may not be civil)? For if our volunteer fellow posters ever resort to incivility - they lose the moral high ground and more importantly - a poor example is set for others to follow.

Now who was it that came up with the following common sense?

Grant our members and guests the serenity to accept the things they cannot change - the courage to change the things they can - and the wisdom to realise that this is a forum open to the public and that they have no control over the posts and ideas of others