The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1544821
Posted By: The Shambles
18-Aug-05 - 10:00 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat censorship - a proposal
From: Big Mick - PM
Date: 02 Apr 05 - 08:31 PM

The alteration it needs must occur in the minds of the folks that respond to this stuff. Roger is entitled to his opinion, and in virtually every posters response they have indicated they are tired of his restating the same thing over and over; they are tired of him twisting quotes to serve himself; they go on and on about how he goes on and on. Do you folks learn anything? Who is worse, Roger or you? The question to Roger about who is "we" has been asked over and over.

Roger isn't the problem anymore. Those that feed him are.


If you call a fellow poster a manipulative schmoe a troll or worse - it remains name-calling and remains unhelpful and counter-productive. And when this name-calling is attempted to be excused and justified by you – when you would be the very first to condemn others for doing the same thing – this hypocrisy does highlight our forum's main problem very well. It sadly brings us no nearer to any solution.

Blowzabella said - You must know the way things work.

Yes and how do you know that they are not working? Not I hope simply because you think that those few posters making all the noise and personal attacks – really know what they are talking about? Do you really think that I would expect these few posters (after all these years) to post any differently or ever resist for very long - the tempation to posting at all? And would you really expect turkeys to vote for Christmas?

However unpopular I may appear to have made myself with some posters on our forum - by sticking to my principles – it does appear that as result of all this - things are slightly better. For example –

We do now have situation where claims for the 100th post are not now described by Joe Offer as fair game for the Clones to delete as they please. I see that even he now joins in with this fun and the practice is not judged to be 'obnoxious' any more.

And we do now seem to have seen the last of entire threads being deleted because our volunteer fellow posters could not be bothered to deal with just the offending post

And even the imposed closures of entire threads does now seem to be used a little more sparingly.

So it is a fact that effecting change (for the better) by instigating an open and reasoned debate on our forum - is not actually as impossible as some posters would like to have us think.....However, there are still many things that need to be addressed.

Any help you can provide - to ensure a return to a more friendly and welcoming situation where the words of thread titles on our forum remain as posted - unless any change is first agreed by the originator - would be much appreciated. This simple request is thought to place a too 'cumbersome' burden upon our volunteer fellow posters - who now insist on the right to impose these changes upon their fellow posters - as they decide.