The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83822   Message #1545223
Posted By: Rapparee
18-Aug-05 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Price of Gas
Subject: RE: BS: Price of Gas
I can only report what I have seen with my own eyes. Blacks, reds, yellows, whites, flying or driving. While I didn't count that people on the airplanes I've flown on, the planes were full and I would ESTIMATE that the various skin colors were present in about the same ratio as they are in the population at large.


The governments of the so-called "developed countries" have for a very long time papered over the problems, encouraging the people to believe that there would be plenty of fuel forever or at least for a very long time. That energy conservation and the development of alternative energy resources was irrelevant. That gasoline would always be cheap and available. Now this is coming back to bite us all.

And please don't tell me, with a snug smile, that you've known this all along. That you recycle, drive a non-guzzling car, have a "green"
house and office. I've been doing those things since at least 1970.

There is a problem. It can be solved. The solution is going to take both personal and political action. Stop wasting energy pointing fingers and get on with the solutionS.