The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83864   Message #1545304
Posted By: GUEST,Art Thieme
18-Aug-05 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: References to Folk Music in Books
Subject: RE: References to Folk Music in Books
And never forget the January 2 or 3, 1666 entry (unless I've gotten the date wrong) in Samuel Pepys' monumental diary---you will find what is probably the first mention ever of the ballad "Barbara Allen". S.P. heard it sung in London---on the street.

And Mark Ross, I read those Elizabeth Scarborough books a while ago--when they first came out. I got to the part where terrorists bombed a well known folksong depository and a major figure was injured or killed. That just took me aback! It hit me hard--right where I live. That must be just a bit of what it feels like to be near one of those sad events.
