The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83090   Message #1545625
Posted By: The Shambles
19-Aug-05 - 09:49 AM
Thread Name: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
Subject: RE: In the UK......? (thread title change complaint)
So, Shambles, not to distract you from your distractions and disparagements, but what did Max say about changing thread titles and about us volunteers encouraging use of the Forum Menu as a mere index instead of as a free speech platform?

There is a big difference between the words – 'changing and 'imposing' and also between 'encouraging' and 'imposing'. That crucial difference is what this thread is all about.

Joe I am merely replying to your personal views - expressed on our forum as a fellow poster – which I do not agree with. But in my response - I am leaving out the personal abuse and name-calling. You seem to think this acceptable – when this used by you and your supporters.

When asked to explain the BS rules – Max publicly stated on our forum -

Since you are with us, you get to help us make the rules. Of late it seems that it is used for non-music related questions, comments, thoughts and stories. It may be like just a light conversation piece, or just killing time, or getting through a bad day, or anything non-academic (if you will). Or, just don't use it. It is what you make it. Don't sweat the rules, cause there aint none.

Until Max publicly states otherwise on our forum – where I am sure that Max is quite capable of reading this thread as well as every other poster - that is good enough for me. But I have yet to read any public statement from our forum's owner saying that he specifically considers the need for any volunteer fellow poster to 'index' or 'consolidate' is more important than the original poster's right to have their words appear as posted.

Nor has he publicly stated that he considers any possible inconvenience caused to volunteer posters by first asking permission before any changes are imposed by them – are too 'cumbersome'. Nor that this consideration is more important than ensuring that all posters are treated equally and their words appear as posted.

Until Max does publicly state this on our forum – I shall assume that he expects all volunteers to follow his lead and facilitate. To use their commons sense in this and NOT to go too far and make any attempt to control and shape our forum by the heavy imposition of their personal judgement – when there are more friendly and welcoming alternatives.   

The 'index' – is merely a list of thread titles. These titles are the ones that each thread originator has chosen from the optional choices available to them. They may not be Joe Offer's choice (or mine) and they could possible be clarified. However, I strongly maintain that on an issue of clarity only - there is no need and that there are no grounds for any 'clarification' or 'consolidation' to ever be automatically and selectively imposed without the originator's knowledge or permission.

Joe - this idea that the thread titles should not now be part of the poster's free speech - which you do rather grudgingly seem accept is the case for the words of the post. Is based only on your assumption that it is up to you to impose what title appears in the 'index' and your personal judgement that posters are now considered wrong if they wish to see the words of their own choosing. Is Max in agreement with this particular point? Have you asked him? Perhaps Max will publicly inform us on the detail?

A librarian may not think the list of their book titles look pretty or not informative enough – does that entitle the librarian to impose their own words to these book titles?