The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #62233   Message #1545770
Posted By: Genie
19-Aug-05 - 12:56 PM
Thread Name: Balboa Park, San Diego!
Subject: RE: Balboa Park, San Diego!
Amos said: "Wal, truth be tole ole Banjoest quit beating on the summonsing gong as much as oncet he did. So we haven't had a good jam this summer except mebbe one I missed."
"The truth is, the thread died and the music kept getting stronger and stronger, until a few months back. Dunno what changed; Banjoest would have to speak to that."

Of course, you bein' out of town when I was there in June didn't help, and Hugh bein' tied up with his nephew's graduation did didn't either. ;-D   Bear and Greg and I hadda hold down the Balboa fort all by ourse'fs!

Ennyhoo, my latest email from Hugh says we all is jammin' on Sept. 11th (whilst Rummy & the gang will be using taxpayer $ to promote a pep rally in Washington DC once again trying to use the memory of 9-11-01 to build support for a war that had nothing to do with Al Quaeda but I digress).

Sept. 11, of course, is on Sunday this year. Sept. 14th. is a Wednesday.

So I do hope y'all can make it on the 11th, since that's the only Sunday I'll be in SD till the end of October. (As I told Hugh, I can't get there on the 11th till about 1:30, but I can stay all afternoon, so if anyone else wants to jam from 1 to 4 instead of 12 to 3, I'm up for that!)

I hope we can get a good sized group up for the Sept!
