The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83936   Message #1546125
Posted By: Nancy King
19-Aug-05 - 09:18 PM
Thread Name: 2005 Getaway Program Information
Subject: 2005 Getaway Program Information
OK, all you Getaway-goers, here's your chance to tell us what you want! The Getaway Program Committee (Carly Gewirz, Rita Ferrara, and myself, with some help from several others) is hard at work planning for your pleasure, and we need your input.

If you've been to the Getaway before, you know that our program is very inclusive and participatory -- "we have met our leaders and performers and they are us."

The first thing we need is a clear idea of who's coming, what kinds of music they like, and what special interests they have. We will be contacting some of you, and some FSGW people, individually, but we're hoping this thread will also generate some ideas. We have some ideas of our own, of course, but we want to add everything into the mix, pull out the best, and end up with something fabulous!

So, if you're definitely coming, post to this thread and tell us what kinds of music you like to play and/or sing and/or listen to, what kinds of jams and open sings you enjoy, and if you have an idea for a workshop you'd like to attend or lead. If you've been to past Getaways, mention workshops you'd like to see repeated (or not). If you have a special interest you'd like to share, mention that too -- it's especially helpful when people have several interests and are willing to fit in wherever we need them! If you prefer, you can PM any of us, though Carly and I will both be out of town and out of touch at various times in the next few weeks.

Please keep in mind that we're still in an information-gathering phase -- we can't begin to firm up plans until we have more information, and there are many factors to consider in programming (personnel, available space and time, balance, etc.), so we can't promise at this point that any given workshop will happen, or say who will lead what. What we can promise is that you'll have a marvelous time! We'll post details later when things get firmed up.

If you'd like a good description of the Getaway's atmosphere and program, take a look at this post from Rita last year. To look at last year's program, you can click to see Saturday's and Sunday's schedules.

So -- over to you!

Looking forward to seeing you in October,

P.S. Don't forget to send in your registration SOON!