The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83963   Message #1547262
Posted By: Janie
22-Aug-05 - 03:05 PM
Thread Name: Stagefright -Fear of Exposure?
Subject: RE: Stagefright -Fear of Exposure?
The process is one of increasing exposure to the feared situation in small increments such that one gradually becomes desensitized to the anxiety.

1. You start REALLY small so that the anxiety never feels overwhelming.
2. Construct an 'anxiety hierarchy' using a scale of 1 to 100. For example, at the bottom of the hierarchy you might rate your anxiety when thinking about singing in public as a 1. Your anxiety thinking of leading a song in a friendly song circle may be a 25. Your anxiety at actually being at a song circle and being asked to lead a song might be 75.
3. Note the thoughts and physical feelings that you exsperience at different levels of your anxiety.
4. Think about leading a song in your song circle. What symptoms arise? Just a little discomfort and longing? Desire to avoid thinking about it? Heart rate pick up a bit? What ever those mildest symptoms are, notice and monitor them without negative judgement. Repeatedly think about the singing and monitor your response until the thought no longer generates anxiety. Then move up a half step on your hierarchy and repeat.
