The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83994   Message #1547478
Posted By: open mike
23-Aug-05 - 02:01 AM
Thread Name: BS: Seasonal garden sounds
Subject: RE: BS: Seasonal garden sounds
well, the sound i hear recently (besides the buzzing of bees and the humming of humming birds) was a little spooky--i heard a tiny squeak
and realized it was coming form a tiny brown bat clinging to the bark
of a pine tree in bright day light. Some rabid bats have been found around even has bitten a neighbor, so this was very suspicious to see one acting so strange. It was sort of barking at me, it seemed. not my idea of a sound i like to hear near my garden!
There is one little squirrel, a chickaree, smaller than the grey
squirrels more commonly seen around here, who likes to scold my cats. He is loud and he (i guess it is a he--seems like some territorial thing)
shouts from the tree tops . I wouldn't be surprised if the cats have
either threatened or eaten some of his family members. he is probably justified in his scolding.
we have some camel-back crickets around here that are brown and have a
disc shaped "saddle" on thier backs. they sing the loudest. We have black ones too--sometimes these are used as fishing bait, i think.