The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84003   Message #1547869
Posted By: GUEST,Jon
23-Aug-05 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: Tech: MIDItext Help!!!!!!!!!!!
Subject: RE: Tech: MIDItext Help!!!!!!!!!!!
John, I think you mean abc2midi. If so, it is part of AbcMIDI.

abc2midi - converts abc file to MIDI file(s).
Usage : abc2midi [reference number] [-c] [-v] [-o filename]
       [-t] [-n ]
       [reference number] selects a tune
       -c selects checking only
       -v selects verbose option
       -o selects output filename
       -t selects filenames derived from tune titles
       -n set limit for length of filename stem
The default action is to write a MIDI file for each abc tune
with the filename <stem>N.mid, where <stem> is the filestem
of the abc file and N is the tune reference number. If the -o
option is used, only one file is written. This is the tune
specified by the reference number or, if no reference number
is given, the first tune in the file.