The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #73950   Message #1548177
Posted By: Bobert
23-Aug-05 - 08:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: New voting machines easy to tamper with
Subject: RE: BS: New voting machines easy to tamper with
Oh yeah, back in the olden days when the Dems were in power, they sho nuff cooked the books... Was it right to do so? Ahhhh, probably not...

Now the Repubs are in power it is apparent that they have themseleves a nice little ball game going that makes the Dems look more like Boy Scouts...

Between the stuff that Tom Delay pulled in Texas on redristrictin' and then the paperless votin'??? Genious, that's all I have to say! I predict that the Dems have been so badly beaten at the cooked books that the Dems will never agin be a majority party... Ahhh, not that they deserve to be one mind you, but the Repubs have gotten this democracy so far off tarck and rigged that the game is virtually over..

I mean, lets looks at the recent presidential election... Fir the first time since exit polls were used the exit polls and the final, paperless, tabulations were way apart???

See what I mean... Nice when there's nuthin to recount and when the folks who are supposed to be doing the countin' have publicly sated that they were going to deliver the election to Bush???

And they did just that...

Yeah, if you Bush-heads wanta go get a big lump in yer throats about just how wonderful democracy is just keep this in mind: we ain't got it even half right if we can't even pull off an honest election so until we show that we can, firget sendin' out kids off to kill or be killed to impliment a system as fatllly corrupt as the one that we have...

What a friggin' joke...
