The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84064   Message #1549575
Posted By: Clinton Hammond
25-Aug-05 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Wazzur Favourite Sammich?
Subject: BS: Wazzur Favourite Sammich?
Maybe it's just cause I'm sitting down to eat my lunch... Maybe it's that I'm such an opportunivore that my list of foods I don't like is in the single digits... Maybe it's just to 'chat'...

But whatta ya like? Currently, a little paper-thin-sliced roast beef... on a cheesy-white bread... with lettuce, tomato, mustard and Franks Chili-lime 'hot' sauce (I say 'hot' cause it's NOT at all...)

Oh... and a pickle... gotsta haves m' pickle!