The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84009   Message #1549911
Posted By: Arkie
25-Aug-05 - 09:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Kill the President of...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Kill the President of...
Here is an excerp from Jim Wallis' comments about Robertson's statement.

"It's clear Robertson must not have first asked himself "What would Jesus do?" But the teachings of Jesus have never been very popular with Robertson. He gets his religion elsewhere, from the twisted ideologies of an American brand of right-wing fundamentalism that has always been more nationalist than Christian. Apparently, Robertson didn't even remember what the Ten Commandments say, though he has championed their display on the walls of every American courthouse. That irritating one about "Thou shalt not kill" seems to rule out the killing of foreign leaders. But this week, simply putting biblical ethics aside, Robertson virtually issued an American religious fatwah for the murder of a foreign leader - on national television no less. That may be a first."

Robertson does call himself a Christian and he may well speak for others who call themselves Christian, but he does not speak for all Christians. Many Christians are embarressed and angered that someone professing to be a follower of Christ would make such an outrageous, irresponsible statement. As Wallis suggested in the quote above, Robertson does not seem to have much respect for the teachings of Jesus.