The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84009   Message #1551248
Posted By: Bobert
27-Aug-05 - 10:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: 'Kill the President of...
Subject: RE: BS: 'Kill the President of...
Must admit that I ain't read every volley that you an' John have had there, Don but I'd say that my last post might be entered as "Exhibit A" in yer argument... And yeah, I am a church goin' Christain... Sho nuff am... Plus a Bible readin' one, to boot....

Yeah, loota folk who call themselves Christain ever go outta the Old Testament into the teachings of Jesus....

Jesus had a lot to say about how we should bb liovin' and one of his greatest lesson was about judgement... He stopped a crowd of vigilantes from stonin' a prostitude sayin', "Let you who has not sinned cast the first stone"...

Yeah, that oughtta say a lot about the folks out there sittin' in the judemental seats....

Jesus also said that there is nothin' secret that one day won't be common knowledge... It's in Mathew and, guess what??? What he was ayin' is that folks, like George Bush, can run but he cannot hide... His lies will catch up to him...

(Forgive me, Lord...)

....for this man, the president has badly sinned...

(Forgive me, Lord...)

No, not sittin' in judgement... Just callin' it the way any thinkin' person has to be seein' it...

(Forgive me, Lord...)
