The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84107   Message #1551857
Posted By: Azizi
28-Aug-05 - 07:39 PM
Thread Name: BS: more hurricane warnings
Subject: RE: BS: more hurricane warnings
I took Snarky's comments as a snark-the hidden message being that songwriting trivalizes the devastation that may be about to occur in New Orleans.

But why not be creative now if the spirit moves you to create? It is awful sitting here doing nothing and what else can we do who live far away from this predicted tragedy?

At least those who are writing songs about New Orleans and Hurrican Katrina are focused on what's happening or may happen.

I marvel that there are so many people who appear to be clueless about what may be going on in New Orleans. I received a telephone call from someone I know who ask me what I was doing, and I told her I was following this news and her response was "What hurricane?" and
"Why are you worried? You don't know anyone there, do you"?

No, but that doesn't really matter. What happens to one person happens to us all. And actually there are predictions that the price of oil nationwide will be affected by this tragedy and shipping costs will increase affecting food cost and other it will directly impact us economically.   

All this to say Snarky, my view is "Power to the songwriters, and
I say to them "Write on. Write on".
