The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #83714   Message #1551911
Posted By: mgarv
28-Aug-05 - 09:32 PM
Thread Name: SUNNYCAMP 2005
Subject: RE: SUNNYCAMP 2005
Yes. They will all be there as will everyone from Singtime Frolics and Camp Alexandra. There will be lots and lots of people. You will also probably get to hear about the tape Stewart started at Rainycamp..and maybe we can persuade him to record a bit here too..who knows.

No, actually it is similar to Rainycamp because they both follow the same general camp plan that is pretty common to northwest camps..potluck and song circle Friday evenings, workshops on Saturday, followed by nice dinner, followed by concert...general chaos on Sunday..maybe workshops...last year we had a great jam session as the sun came out over beautiful Willapa Bay...We share chores, which aren't bad really...the camp is a bit rundown but not was just bought by 4H and is gong to be remodeled a bit...

It is a smaller group..has run about 30 but if I get off my duff and spread the word better (and I will appreciate anyone with any email lists or radio shows etc. helping to spread the word) it might be larger this year. More interest from Olympia, Port Townsend, Shelton etc. It always either directly conflicts or is too close to an event that Portlanders go to (I won't tell you in case you go to that instead..but this year you could stay for a week and go to both). I also just found out that the bridge walk across the Columbia River is on for Sunday October 2. you can walk across the Columbiia River...great news for hikers..bad if you are in a hurry to get back to Portland early...but it is just down for a couple of hours I think.

Well, you can't beat the price ... $50 for the weekend..includes food..which if I say so myself has been pretty good in the past..I think we have had great cooks outdoing themselves..and with a small group the kitchen lends itself to people getting creative. Just email me at   I'd rather people didn't use my address because my home computer is not working right now and it is hard for me to read via web.

Also, let me remind people to really really watch for deer on the roads..bear too but they are quite rare....

If you come up from Portland and day is early and weather is clear, I really recommend coming up the Washington can drive to Longview and then take Ocean Beach highway all the way..or drive to Westport and take ferry over to Puget Island. Really pretty. I have some songs about the area, which is probably one of the most beautiful places on earth...the lower Columbia River.

If you are interested in Lewis and Clark history, history of northwest in general..this is the place to come. Oh, and we also sing really pretty, or have in the past. The music has been extremely enjoyable. mg