The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84159   Message #1553689
Posted By: Paul Burke
01-Sep-05 - 10:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: US Admin ignoring Chavez death threat?
Subject: RE: BS: US Admin ignoring Chavez death threat?
I never said they did. What I DID say is that the idea that Christians are somehow different from the Attilas, Hitlers, Ghenghises, Caligulae, Stalins, Maos, Pol Pots and other assorted minor offenders, is totally without historical foundation.

Someone expressed surprise that a self- proclaimed Christian government (fond of kiling their enemies) was failing to upbraid a Christian minister for calling on them to kill someone. It's the fact that anyone thinks Christianity (as a religion) is against killing that is surprising. It never has been, even from their earliest recorded days.

Some people who call themselves Christians have read the Bible, and decided that the person they believe started their religion was against violence. they then proclaim that as a tenet of Christianity, but they are wrong. You take out of the Bible what you bring into it. These Christians are just ordinary decent people, and should recognise that fact. If you need God to tell you that violence is wrong in almost all circumstances, what would you do if someone came up and proved that the Bible didn't say that, say by the discovery of "the original text"?