The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84216   Message #1553786
Posted By: Jeri
01-Sep-05 - 11:14 AM
Thread Name: BS: Prostate cancer
Subject: RE: BS: Prostate cancer
Here's an article on saw palmetto in the UC Berkley Wellness Letter. Aside from saying that saw palmetto may be effective [in treating benign prostatic hyperplasia, NOT CANCER!!!], they give this warning:
"Remember this: A 90-day supply of finasteride costs about $200, compared with $10 to $50 for a 90-day supply of saw palmetto. Fewer side effects (such as erectile dysfunction) are reported with saw palmetto than with drugs, at least in studies so far. Not much is known about the long-term effects of saw palmetto. If you want to try it, do so only after seeing a doctor. If you have prostate symptoms and dose yourself without a diagnosis, and it turns out to be cancer, you may not find out until it is at an incurable stage. Be aware that herbal remedies are not regulated or standardized: you may be getting what the label says, or you may not."

The advice seems to be to take it, but see a doctor and make sure the doctor knows you're taking it.

I wouldn't ordinarily get involved about discussions about prostates because I don't have one, but when it comes to advice that could possibly kill you if you fail to question it and do further research, I'm in.

Kendall will shortly provide citations, I'm sure, and my comments will be moot.