The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16594   Message #155427
Posted By: kendall
29-Dec-99 - 09:09 PM
Thread Name: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Subject: RE: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
I am both clinically depressed, and hypoglycemic. its a deadly combo. I must stay away from sugar, and remember to take my meds. One thing that has been of great help to me is THE MUDCAT. I now have a family of people who understand my need for, and love of folk music. Check out my thread, I'M OUTTA HERE. I cant tell you how much those responses mean to me. My advice..hold her, cry with her..tell her how much you would miss her. You know what you needed back then..give her the same. Reason will not work. When I am depressed, the last thing I want to hear is logic. How can I go and cut down a tree, when I dont give a damn about anything?