The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #15317   Message #155492
Posted By: Victoria
29-Dec-99 - 11:09 PM
Thread Name: Tell me about Si Kahn...
Subject: RE: Tell me about Si Kahn...
Wyo Woman - I thank you for the "tip of the hat" to the women caring for our Nations future! I have worked in the child care / Early Childhood Education field for nearly sixteen years, and the turnover of teachers/caregivers is a frightening statistic in an environment where stability is of primary concern to the children. One misconception I must address however, is that of a lack of education. I am college educated myself, and have over the years seen a rising increase in the demand for degrees and certification for people in this field. While I am the first to agree that this demand for education is valuable and justified, the rise in wages has yet to prove adequate to support the cost of obtaining the education (and paying off those student loans!) with the result that the majority of child care workers are in the field only while on their way to someplace else. Those who remain in the field (as a labor of love with little financial gain) often have to maintain one or more part time jobs in addition, in order to augment their income. I have long wondered at the irony that the people in this field are scraping just to pay the rent and feed their own children, while theirs are the jobs that shape the future generation from it's earliest stages. (Children in my home state are often in care from age six weeks onward) Again, I appreciate your show of support in recognizing the contributions made by preschool teachers and child care workers in our country. These children are our future....what could be more valuable an asset? I will now step down off my teacher's soap box to add that I applaud Si Khan, his music and his work as well...and I appreciate the opportunity to share my views on this subject!