The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16594   Message #155495
Posted By: catspaw49
29-Dec-99 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Subject: RE: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Save the obvious, all of the above is excellent advice. As long as your friend is talking about it you're working. Of the 4 people close to me who have committed suicide, NONE talked about it beforehand. In retrospect, we all saw signs, but they never verbalized it. Your friend shows many of the symptons we deal with from many of our teens that have been in foster care, clinical depression. Take Aine's advice (and others) and get your friend to decide to seek help...forcing her to go won't do it. Then, perhaps a combination of drugs, counseling, diet, and friendship will help. For you emily....keep on hangin' in. If you get tired of Rick, call me at 740-569-7610. I know what you're going through and the sheer helplessness you feel can take you down the road too. We're here, or a phone call away.
