The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16594   Message #155537
Posted By: Margo
30-Dec-99 - 01:16 AM
Thread Name: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Subject: RE: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Gads, Emily, I've been through this too! Had a roommate that did commit suicide. I found her. It was definately a very selfish thing she did. I have always wished I could have somehow been a better friend but there's only so much a person can do. Then it is up to the suicidal person to take the step towards health.

You said that she has felt this way for years? How long have you known her? I wonder if this is nothing new, her way of getting sympathy? Just trying to look from every angle. Professional help was good for me, I'd recommend it.
