The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84239   Message #1555421
Posted By: Azizi
03-Sep-05 - 10:12 AM
Thread Name: Outraged over Bush! (Hurricane Katrina)
Subject: RE: Outraged over Bush! (Hurricane Katrina)
GUEST Date: 03 Sep 05 - 09:45 AM. I do blame the administration for its piss poor level of preparedness for the evacuation of people without their own vehicles {the poor & tourists}. I blame Bush for cutting monies for New Orleans levees and for gutting FEMA and putting his incompetent cronies in charge and for playing golf and trying to play the guitar while the Hurricane gathered strength and hit the US Gulf states and for continuing his schedule of scripted photo-ops including birthday cake and laughs as though the hurrican was no big deal. I blame so called "President" Bush's lack of leadership though it comes as no surprise. I blame so called "Secretary of State" Condolezza Rice who [like Bush] continued on her vacation and played tennis, took in a Broadway play, and purchased expensive shoes while people died in New Orleans, Mississippi, and Alabama [her home state]. And I blame so called "Vice President" Dick Cheney for remaining on vacation and never uttering "a mumblin word" about this American tragedy.

Alot of things could have been done better. It was just a matter of time before a Level 4 or 5 hurricane hit New Orleans and the US Gulf states. It's not like no one had ever warned the federal government about this and talked about what needed to be done. But Bush decided that giving tax breaks to the wealthy and fighting Iraqis because of one reason or the other [I think its their oil] was more important.

And we see the result of those decisions today-the loss of life and culture in New Orleans.

Words can not express the depths of my sorrow and anger at this administration.