The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84226   Message #1556197
Posted By: CarolC
04-Sep-05 - 07:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hurricane AFTERMATH
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane AFTERMATH
Here's what that guy with the blog says about the bridge shootings...

"Law enforcement have absolutely lost their minds. Some guy wearing khaki fatigues and black vests which say Police on them have their faces covered in black ski masks and are touting M4-A1s with front hand grips -- like they're some kind of Delta Force operators waiting to hit the tire house. They're guarding the four corners around the Bell South building for crying out loud. And what, they need secret identities? Come on. You can just tell some of these guys have never gotten out before. Now's their big chance to play Army"

"I hope these are false rumors, but we're hearing that the people who were shot on the bridge were Army Corps of Engineer. I told you these military wannabes were gonna get someone hurt. Someone needs to real in these paramilitary types."