The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84226   Message #1556213
Posted By: Amos
04-Sep-05 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hurricane AFTERMATH
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane AFTERMATH
From and Assciate Professor at Tulane, sent today (Sunday, September 4, 2005)

>OK. Here is the latest from STP.
> What this office has done in conjunction with the Fire Districts, National
>Guard, Red Cross and gobs of volunteers from Quebec, Ohio, Washington,
>Indiana, etc is beyond remarkable.
> FEMA has yet to show its shit-ass face here. That branch of government is
>an absolute disgrace. We have done it all without FEMA. No appreciable
>supply of food, ice, tarps or fuel.
> The roads of STP are all basically passable. Only a few remain confined to
>one lane. They say we are 70 % back. My guess is that by the time you arrive
>in the next week or so that you will wonder if, indeed, there ever was a
>hurricane. You have no clue what the Fire Districts have done. I strongly
>suggest and ask all you to simply take the time to consider making a meal or
>cake or both for your respective Station in your area. They are flipping
> The National Guard is now all over the place. Its crews are also busting
>hump to pick up debris. They have big cranes and other equipment.
>Impressive. Quick. Clean. Professional. I am very lucky and proud to witness
>these guys at work.
> Power is on in many places. There are nasty rumors that power will be on
>from Mandeville to Madisonville south of I-12 next week. Remember this is
>only a rumor.
> POwer is on all along Hwy 21 north of I-12. Same for 190 to Claiborne Hill.
>Power is on throughout Covington. It is slowly creeping out beyond the major
> There is just so much to do.
> Water and sewer is basically coming back strong. Southeast Water is almost
>back to full strength. Utilities Inc. is the same.
> Gas is still available but line are long. Apparantly computer access is
>difficult, so gas is bought by cash only. This is creating problems of
> Wal-Mart, Winn-Dixie, Rouses, Aquistapaces are all open. Walgreens and CVS
>are open.
> Life is returning.
> All hospitals are up and running: Heart Hospital, Slidell Memorial, St.
>Tammany, Lakeview.
> Red Cross is kicking ass. They turned out 36,000 hot meals today from their
>stationary kitchens, plus God knows how many from its mobile units that
>travel from neighborhood to neighborhhood.
> There are temporary shelters every in the Parish that currently are housing
>7,500 people. These shelters are primarily in public schools, so that means
>that no school until at least October 1 or until people go home.
> Volunteers from out of state are pouring in. Today, 150+ men from North
>Carolina arrived and fanned out to do people's private driveways. I
>understand that they absolutely butchered trees along Hwy 59 in Mandeville
>and wiped out problems in lower Slidell. They are appparently an organized
>mass of worker bees who attack an area with avengence. I did not see it, but
>the stories at our nightly meeting bring tears to your eyes when you think
>about people who have been trapped for a week.
> Then there are the Church groups who have the same chain-saw gangs. They
>also provide meals and clothing.
> These groups come in with their own heavy equipement. With a signed
>release, they will cut away and remove trees from atop your home. They will
>cut and clear your driveway.
> Guys and gals, this is incredible. It is organized and orchestrated from
>this office. Our team is great and it has been held together by Mr. Davis
>and CAO Bill Oiler. And yet, FEMA has not arrived.
> I have just received word that 63 generators have been delivered for
>distribution to the various shelters. There is also a caravan of 4 tankers
>of 6,400 gallons of water arriving in a few minutes. This is typical of what
>we see every hour on the hour. And it is being done by this group at EOC.
> Slidell and Lacombe are still in trouble. Some streets are still blocked
>and people are trapped.
> Now, on another note, I made two trips to New orleans today. Yes, two.
>Across the Causeway to uptown to look for my family. I could not find them
>on the first trip, but upon my return to Covington, I learned that someone
>was in dire straits, so I returned with 5 gallons of diesel to help someone
>out. I crossed the Causeway twice. It is in bad shape and both ends of the
>span; the water action has separated the north end elevated portion from the
>land portion. Same for the south end. There is approximately a four to ten
>foot section missing from each end.
> As for the City, there are many, many trees down. Mostly oaks along St.
>Charles Ave. Nowhere near the devastation on the northshore, though.
> No people on the streets. Eerily empty, but for sporadic police vehicles.
> Military helicopters everywhere. Sporadic smoke rising from fires around
>the City. Weird feeling.
> There are huge copters air-lifting people from the I-10 @ causeway roadway.
>I stopped and watch 20 to 25 people load up and be whisked away.
> Copters are re-fueling from big air transports over the Lake. Very
>interesting to watch.
> Roads are still flooded. Airline Highway is flooded under the Causeway.
>Cars are still stranded in the lanes of traffic. I spoke with a guy this
>afternoon who described how he was at his shop near the Quarter and he
>watched how the water came down Canal Street when the levee broke.
> Anyway, this is the latest report.
> I hope to up-date you soon with better and better news. I just can't tell
>you when to return.
> I guess we'll know all is in order when soccer starts...