The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #59418   Message #1556962
Posted By: Rapparee
05-Sep-05 - 06:23 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
Subject: RE: BS: The Mother of all BS threads
I turn up on a Google search. Several times, in fact.

That being said, I have returned. Poorer, yes -- we began replacing the books on reenactment which we lost in the mail (1.5 boxes out of 63 -- not too bad). Things like the Books of Buckskinning 1 - 7. There weren't any at the Ft. Bridger Rondy, books of buckskinning I mean, but we were able to buy about USD 70.00 worth, and it's a start.

Musically it was pretty good, too. I felt sorry for one singer, up there in the gazebo, playing his guitar and singing to no audience at all because it was rainning.

I didn't do any shooting and we didn't even take out reenactment clothes with us (but these pictures might give you an idea; Jill is a friend and Quilt Guild mate of Pat's). I did buy a new hat; I wore my old one in the rain and it shrank so that it only covers the point of my head.

I trust Mom behaved herself in my absence and didn't sneak off to The Cock and Balls muzzleloaders' bar for a few libations, etc.?