The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #572   Message #1557
Posted By:
22-Jan-97 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: ADD: In a Shanty in Old Shanty Town
Subject: ADD: Shanty in Old Shanty Town & parody
It's only a shanty in old shanty town.
The roof is so slanty it touches the ground.
Just a tumble-down shack, by an old railroad track.
Like a millionaire's mansion, keeps calling me back.

I'd give up a palace if I were a king.
It's more than a palace, it's my everything.
There's a queen waiting there, with a silvery crown,
In a shanty in old shanty town.

There's a corrupt perversion as well:

There's an outhouse among trash in our old back yard.
The roof is so slanty, the seats are so hard.
Just a tumble-down shack, by an old railroad track.
Like a millionaire's mansion, keeps calling me back.

There's one hold for father, another for me.
The third is for mother, the unholy three.
Just a tumble-down shack, by an old railroad track.
The outhouse in our old back yard.