The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84274   Message #1557126
Posted By: Charlie Baum
05-Sep-05 - 10:09 PM
Thread Name: CBC Lockout
Subject: RE: CBC Lockout
When the public radio stations in the Washington, DC area quit broadcasting music (especially classical music), I discovered the wonderful world of web-radio, and became a big fan of Vermont Public Radio. One of my favorite shows was actually a simulcast of the CBC show "Disk Drive," which I fell in love with. I grew up on free form radio, and the show, which mixes classical, folk, jazz, and a lot of other stuff all together hosted by Jurgen Gothe caught my love and attention. Now with the CBC lockout, fresh programs of Disk Drive aren't available on CBC-2, though I'm fortunate that a batch of stored taped programs from the past are being repeated each day on CBC-1--and since there are multiple opportunities to hear CBC-1 on webcast (the only CBC-2 station you can receive via web is Toronto), I can hear the show during more of my workday. I miss the fresh programming, and the CBC news, but at least the opportunity to catch up on vintage Jurgen Gothe is a consolation prize for me.

--Charlie Baum