The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16594   Message #155719
Posted By: longhair
30-Dec-99 - 01:55 PM
Thread Name: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Subject: RE: very much OS: Suicidal Friend
Emily, I don't have any pat answers for you, I wished I did. I know where your friend is at. I've been there. I if weren't for good friends and a very understanding and helpful wife, I'd be gone now. I believe you're doing what you can do. Like someone else said, talk, listen, if she's telling you these things she's crying for help. My wife was the last to know, but my best friend, a Vietnam Vet, he could see the signs, and kept a close watch on me. She really needs to see a doc and get started on some meds. I really can't tell you how to make her do that. There's a depression newsgroup that help me some. I was able to see there were others in the world that felt like I felt, and that seemed to help a little. It took 2 years of my friend telling me I needed help and having a gun in my hand before I realized I really needed to do something. I still fight it everyday, but meds help a whole lot.. Email me at, lets talk.. Hang in there, it's really hard..