The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84365   Message #1557898
Posted By: Crane Driver
06-Sep-05 - 04:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: 2005--Secret Santa Hints
Subject: RE: BS: 2005--Secret Santa Hints
Well, last year's questions and my answers were something like this:

1. what is your age range? 0 to 55

2. gender? Either I'm male, or my trousers don't fit.

3. Do you have a favorite color? Not really. I seem to wear a lot of blue, though

4. favorite authors/ type of book? Historical, especially maritime - something that might give me ideas for writing songs

5. what books have you really been wanting? None that I know of - surprise me

6. what type of music do you like? British-style trad folk or good modern songs in the traditional style.

7. what cds have you really been wanting? We have a room full of CDs awaiting sorting, but anything REALLY obscure that fits the above has a chance of being something we haven't already got.

8. What movies (vhs is in the price range) have you been wanting? Don't watch videos

9. what is your t-shirt size? Chuffin' enormous

10. do you collect anything? if so, what? Not really

11. what are some of your other hobbies? I write songs for a hobby, as they don't die as quickly as tropical fish

12. do you prefer gold-tone or silver-tone jewelry? Don't do jewelry.

This year, things haven't changed much. Add one to the upper end of the age range. Bookwise, I've started to write songs about other things than the sea, so anything containing real people's accounts of their lives would be potentially nourishing for my muse. If your part of the world has any historical connection with my part (South Wales) I would love to read about it. Just as good as the presents last year was the repartee and guessing games on the SS threads - whoever my santa is this year, please play the game again!
