The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84429   Message #1558149
Posted By: Sidewalk Bob
06-Sep-05 - 10:29 PM
Thread Name: Bobert CD a'Comin'
Subject: Bobert CD a'Comin'.....
Well, wel, weel....

Just returned from Mississippi where I spent 3 days in a recordin' studio an', hopefully, after layin' down 27 songs, a "Sidewalk Bob and the Pedestrians" debut CD will be out and available on CD Baby in the coming months....

The session folks (Pedestrians) are up to the plate next... I think I done my part purdy good... No, very good...

I can't wait to hear it after everyone ahs come in an' done their thing... But the raw version ain't half bad....

Sidewalk Bob(ert)