The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81331   Message #1561075
Posted By: Rumncoke
11-Sep-05 - 11:55 AM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Apples and huge blackberries. The early blackberries were much smaller, I think this is a man made variety and the other bush is a natural one. The 'wild' one has decided it wants to take over the garden - it might even try to invade Poland it has that sort of attitude. Alas, I will show it the error of its ways, and my secateurs befor the end of the month.

I have another kilogram of cotton yarn to ply - it is already paid for weeks ago so must take precidence even if Moscow is being brambled.

Here on the South coast of England it has been very dry - the soil is like dust where my neighbour has had the hedge dug up and replaced by a fence - we have a couple of feet more ground available on that side now, but it is sad stuff.

The men doing the fence cleared out the suckers from the forsythia - but they also cleared all my black currant bushes and one of the red currants before I saw what they were doing. All that is left is one redcurrant bush - I supose that getting rid of the hedge is a good thing - it lets in more light now even though the fence is almost 2 metres tall - the hedge was much higher.
