The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #9379   Message #1561086
Posted By: GUEST,Lindsey
11-Sep-05 - 12:12 PM
Thread Name: English Folk Songs
Subject: RE: English Folk Songs
Going back to the sings from Somerset (where i happen to live at the moment), Folk South West (based in Montecute, Somerset), teamed up with the River Parrett Trail Partnership, to create a lovely Tape of music it contains the following-
   God speed the plough, 1907 (these are dates collected)
   From riches to poverty, 1904
   Low lowlands of Holland, 1905
   Tarpaulin jacket, 1905
   Female cabin boy,1905
   The Rover,1905
   Whistle, daughter, whistle, 1906
   Draggletail gypsies, 1904
   Bridgwater fair, 1906 (bridgwater is spelt correctly)
   Pride of Kildare, 1905
   Come all jolly fellows, that follow the plough,
   King George,1904
   Once I courted, 1904
   I wish I never had known, 1904
   Ratcliffe Highway, 1906
   Farewell he, 1904
   New Year song, 1909
   The deserter, 1906
   I kept a pack of hounds, 1908
   Song of the River Parrett
These are mainly songs from when cecil sharp visited the area in and after 1903. And the songs were recreated using his original manuscripts using local people (with accents!).
   It has a lovely version of whistle, daughter, whistle, and so i copied off it off the tape on listen on CD in my car(not fun). Hope this helps.
   Anyone know of any yorkshire/northumberland equivalents?

Oh and big thanks to Alison, for saving me typing out the words again, after i lost my first lot due to a computer crash!