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Thread #84569   Message #1561211
Posted By: Roberto
11-Sep-05 - 03:17 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: James Derry (from Deirdre Murtha)
Subject: Lyr Add: JAMES DERRY (from Deirdre Murtha)
It is a recording of the song also known as Derry Gaol, Streets of Derry, The Dreary Gallows, of which there is a beautiful recording by Sarah Makem.

I can't get three words in the last stanzas. Please, help. Thanks. R

James Derry
Deirdre Murtha, on Irish Songs from Old New England, Traditional Irish-American Songs from the Flanders Ballad Collection, Folk-Legacy CD-132, 2003.

My love is one of the finest young men
That e'er the sun has shined upon
And how to gain him, I do not know it
For he's got sentenced all to be hung

And when he walks the streets of Derry
I'm sure he walks most manfully
He looks more like a commander general
Than one to die on the gallows tree

The very first step he took of the ladder
His aged father was standing nigh -
Come here, come here, my aged father
Speak one word to me before I die

The very next step he took of the ladder
His aged mother was standing nigh -
Come here, come here, my aged mother
Speak one word to me before I die

The very next step he took of the ladder
His beloved sister was standing nigh -
Come here, come here, my beloved sister
Speak one word to me before I die

He took a ring from his foremost finger
And wrapped it up in a napkin fine
Take this, take this, my beloved sister
And bear me constant all in your mind

O, hang him high! – cried the bold High Sheriff
With a noble clergyman standing by
I'll have you know, you bold persecuter
That this young man is not fit to die

I'll have you know you cannot hang him
Till his confession to me is done
I'll have you know, you bold persecuter
There is fifteen minutes for the setting sun

The very next step he took of the ladder
His glowing colours began to fade
He woefully sighed and ...(???) he cried
Saying - There's no relief from Derry jail

O where, O where is my true lover
What's keeping her so long from me?
Or does she think it is some great disonour
To see me die on the gallows tree

He looked around, he saw her coming
Her steed was faster than the wynd
She then dismounted from that noble ...(???)
And was dressed up all in holland fine

Come down, come down, my own true lover
I've brought your pardon all from the Queen
I'll let them know they will not hang you
I'll crown you back in ... (Old Erin's???) green