The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #74024   Message #1561231
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
11-Sep-05 - 03:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers
Subject: RE: BS: Mount St. Helens - Volcano Watchers

You seem to be looking at times where there is some visibility. I haven't had such luck. The orange blob is more defined now, the blurry area smaller, but nothing helpful regarding the top of the mountain behind it. I did find this activity report:

Different type of "SRS" there!

And the chart with the most recent seismic activity can be found here to show a heating up of conditions. Unfortunately, that only shows until early August. There is obviously some lag time in filing and posting these monthly reports. If you poke around you can find some static photos taken in September. See if this works to give you more information.