The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #84571   Message #1561324
Posted By: Little Hawk
11-Sep-05 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: 911 & The Sport of God (Moyers speech)
Subject: RE: BS: 911 & The Sport of God (Moyers speech)
God is not, and never has been, the exclusive property of the Christian religion...nor of any other religion. Watch out for people who assume He/She is! Such people are exceedingly dangerous.

"One omnipotent God" does not necessarily mean one that meets the lunatic definitions concocted by various religious fanatics...who, truth be told, are merely making up a God in their own image...a God who is vicious, vengeful, judgemental, and insane.

Taosim proposes one Way, the Tao. It is not a Way that judges or punishes just functions in a totally coherent manner throughout Creation. Buddhism proposes a way of being also, based on achieving balance between extremes. Vedanta (the religious tradition of India) proposes One Supreme Divine manifesting in the world of duality as many different aspects, each personified by various symbolic gods and goddesses. Christianity, when embraced by the sane, proposes a loving and forgiving God. So do other monotheistic faiths, when they are held by people who are reasonable and sane. The most reasonable people honor ALL faiths and are exclusively attached to none, in my opinion.

To condemn the very idea OF God because some people on this planet hold an insane notion about God is to throw the baby out with the bathwater.

People who don't believe in any God at all, after all, are just as capable of committing great atrocities against humanity (for money or power) as people who happen to believe in an insane version of God.

Keep it in mind. The loonies are not all on one side of the fence.