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Thread #84565   Message #1561586
Posted By: Big Mick
12-Sep-05 - 06:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Belfast Riots
Subject: RE: BS: Belfast Riots
In over 25 years of social activism, it has been my experience that those that are descriminated against would gladly stop defining their loyalty by religious allegiances or color or whatever. They form these allegiances out of a need for self protection. It is typical of the discriminator, when public opinion is going against them, to say something on the order of "OK, time to stop defining ourselves this way. Let's all just get along". Sounds good, doesn't work. When you have systematically held folks down, in this case for centuries, then you must take pro active steps to correct the inequities in the system, as well as in folks attitudes. A good start would be to quit alibi'ing the actions of the various Loyalist groups that continue to attempt to shoot down all peace attempts. A second good step would be full prosecution of the people who do these horrendous things to Catholic kids and churches, never mind those that run folks out of their homes.

Why do you keep trying to justify and shift blame?
